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Roofing Contractor Business

What is a roofing visualizer?

A roofing visualizer is a tool homeowners can use to see what a new roof will look like before they invest in roofing products. Likewise, roofing contractors can use these programs to show products to potential homeowner customers. It’s a great way to think about what style and color of roofing shingle will best suit your home. Before your preferred roofing contractor installs your new roof you might ask them if they use a visualizer.

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Boost Your Roofing Contractor Business with PPC

Are you looking to increase your home owner leads for your roofing contractor business? We’ve come up with an easy do-it-yourself way to get started.

One recent HubSpot study found that Google processes approximately 63,000 search queries every second—that’s 5.6 billion searches per day. Those users could be searching for anything, like: what’s the weather like today, how do you tie a shoelace, or what should I make for dinner tonight. 

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Great Home Owner Reviews Put Roofing Contractors on Top of the Search Engine

Roof repair reviews near me, is a popular online search term for homeowners. Online customer reviews are free, they are also priceless, more valuable than any ad you could buy. Many homeowners use online contractor reviews to make that final decision. We’ve come up with a few strategies for generating positive reviews. Plus, how to deal with the occasional negative online comment.

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Simple Ways for Roofing Contractors to Build a Digital Brand

Spring is here, and the peak roofing season is approaching rapidly. Homeowners are getting ready for renovations, and the construction and remodeling industries are booming. Research shows that 85 percent of homeowners are looking for their roofing contractor online. Digital marketing is a prime opportunity for your roofing contracting business to gain visibility and win additional business.

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Get Started with PABCO® Roofing Product’s New Universal Starter™ Shingles

“Homeowners often ask us if they need starter strip shingles for their roofing project, and the answer is yes!” says Kevin Olson, PABCO Roofing Products’ Director, Customer Support Services. PABCO Universal Starter shingle is a vital part of a high-performing roof system, but it is often overlooked because it is not visible once the roof is complete.

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